NoobGathering Gear

Started by Undead Cat, October 10, 2010, 09:17:09 PM

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While I'm pretty familiar with UE in theory, I'm new to putting it into practice.  So:  I'm trying to assemble basic gear.  Please note that while I'm not planning on draining, I do live in a pretty wet region.


  • P100-rate respirator
  • Warm, functional clothes I can trash
  • Shoes:  What kind is best for this?  Flexible or sturdy, water-proof or not.  Good tread?
  • maps/compass
  • flashlight and backups
  • first aid kit
  • pocket knife/multitool

Am I missing anything huge here?  Any recommendations on features I should look for in any of this stuff?  Also, comments on the shoes would be appreciated.

Watch out for the tool part, because the difference between owning anything that can be construed as burglary tools means the difference between misdemeanor and felony.  So I'd keep your pocket knife simple or use like a hunter/survival knife type deal with a compass and like a compartment to keep fishing line inside or whatever they have, not MacGyver knife...with the satelite comlink and a nail clipper. LOL

Shoes with good tread are a must, I slid and fell at a quarry and got real banged up in July '09 for shitty shoes and that I tried to protect my camera and not myself while falling LOL.  First thing I did when I got home was toss my shoes in the trash and bought new ones.  And you'll likely be doing a lot of driving to get to places, so make sure your shoes are comfortable for that otherwise you could get strange foot injuries from driving all the time.

See also: GPS instead of maps, though maps are good too, I have both.

Flashlights are definite musts.

Camera to document where you've been!  Use a cheap digital if you're not good at taking pictures, because sometimes you'll never get a second chance to go back.  Cell phones are getting better and better at this and actual cameras are getting cheaper and cheaper.

Sturdy rope (you really never know when you're going to need it)



Check out that Tractor Supply Co., I'm not sure where you're located but there's one off I-395 exit 84 in Griswold CT that has a lot of stuff that's good for UE at decent prices, like the warm functional clothes.  You could find flannel lined jeans and things there. I'm sure there's one more local to you but I don't remember the real name of this place, it's a retail chain of some sort for farmers. lol

I hide in the shadows and babble about old things.  I appear to most new members of IB.  I might beat you with my cane.

I would grab a black backpack and some spare batteries, ID, couple bottles of water (never know)